ул. Мирзо Турсунзода 47

Душанбе, Таджикистан

+992 (37) 221-23-97

Пн-Пц: 08:00-17:00


24 x 7 онлайн поддержка

Хотите учиться за рубежом?

Подайте заявку на получения стипендии на учебу в лучших университетов мира

Основные этапы

Заявка и заполнение документов

For those of you who are serious about having more, doing more, giving more and being more, success is achievable with of what to do,

Сдача тестов и собеседования

Along with your plans, you should consider developing an action orientation that will keep you motivated to move forward at all times.

Контракт и учеба

The price is something not necessarily defined as financial. It could be time, effort, sacrifice, money or perhaps, something else.

25 миллион Сомонӣ
2550 донишҷӯ
217 донишҷӯ бо дипломи
12 сол
